Samsung Galaxy Mini S5570 Disadvantages

Samsung Galaxy Mini S5570 Disadvantages

By Moonlight الاثنين، 21 مارس 2011
Samsung Galaxy Mini S5570 Review: Right on the mini

Minis are supposed to be the cheaper, stripped down version of the bigger and superior gadgets. There’s a long list of bigger and superior siblings for the Samsung Galaxy Mini S5570 to choose from but it has its own two feet to stand on.

Key Features
·                 Quad-Band GSM and dual-band 3G support
·                 7.2 Mbps HSDPA
·                 3.14” 256K-color QVGA TFT touchscreen
·                 ARMv6 600MHz processor, 384MB RAM
·                 Android OS v2.2 (Froyo) with TouchWiz v3.0 UI
·                 160MB internal storage, hot-swappable MicroSD slot, 2GB card included
·                 3.15 MP fixed-focus camera with geotagging
·                 GPS receiver with A-GPS
·                 Stereo FM radio with RDS
·                 3.5mm audio jack
·                 Document editor
·                 Accelerometer and proximity sensor
·                 Swype text input
·                 MicroUSB port (charging) and stereo Bluetooth 2.1
·                 Social network integration
·                 Good build, youthful styling
Main disadvantages
·                 Low screen resolution limits choice of apps
·                 Fixed focus camera
·                 No secondary video-call camera
·                 No flash, no dedicated camera key
·                 Poor video recording QVGA @ 15fps

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Jillur Rahman

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هناك 3 تعليقات to ''Samsung Galaxy Mini S5570 Disadvantages"

  1. in my galaxy mini, it shows always that your memory is full and u cannot receive any messages any more,
    Even in my mobile i dont have any message in my memory

  2. i've got galaxy mini about 7 days ago i rarely talk in or use the web for half an hour and still it needs to recharge every day.
    then i found it yesterday like a stone turned off by itself i couldn't turn it on although it was half charged then i had to open it and get the battery out then close it and turned it on then i found it working.
    till now i'm not convinced that i is a good one although of all those options because of these fatal disadvantages

  3. You guys suck. I have been using Samsung Galaxy mini for more than a year and there is no prob at all!
