Mobile disadvantages fact or mere illusions

Mobile disadvantages fact or mere illusions

By Moonlight الثلاثاء، 5 أبريل 2011
Mobile disadvantages fact or mere illusions

Escalation of the controversy over the health damage of mobile phones in recent times, so much so that the user injury confusion as a result of this "furore" of studies, there is scarcely read a study that demonstrates that the mobile phones are the main reason behind many of the diseases, however, comes a new study to exonerate him of all charges against him, and emphasizes that those claims were nothing but false illusions not unfounded, and some pro-opposition and the rest, each according to his evidence and proof, and remains the last speech at the end of the specialists in this area ..
Investigation / Amr Saad
There is an avalanche of research conducted on the dangers of mobile phones, which confirms that it brings cancer tumors, according to research conducted in Sweden, including what it says it is detrimental to cells, brain and destroy them, which leads to memory loss is gradual, and therefore the death of brain cells and the incidence of Alzheimer's disease, As stated in a study published in the medical journal of Jordan, and another study says it may lead to the destruction of sperm, according to what has warned him to institution, "Cleveland Clinic" America and, finally, scientifically proven, according to studies presented to a scientific conference in Colombia, that mobile phones are adding to a growing the phenomenon of global warming on the planet.
The dangers of mobile phone .. The fact can not be debated
When asked about the feasibility of some of those studies, it questioned the validity of the results or do they not see it from the ground up ... Says, "Samar Morteza - Bkalliorios Medicine": "I believe, of course, the results of most studies on the dangers of mobile phones, because they are conducted in research centers known to the world, renowned for her accuracy and impartiality, which was held for more than ten years, and discussed the harmful effects of several aspects, and proved that affects many of the diseases, but in the long run. "
She added: "The question of the studies that belie these facts and says that the issue is only illusions, they exist in the first place on the publicity and all, because the user if he faces the dangers of mobile phone and brings the damage in the long run they will think a thousand times before he presents to buy them, and thus will get telecommunications companies and manufacturers of mobile phones a loss of economic losses, and for that, they prefer companies fund some studies that challenge the validity of scientific facts established, claiming they were illusions, in order to retain their customers without deficiency, and can offers outsized contribution to entice users to acquire mobile. "
Agree Mohamed Badawi Engineering graduate in contact with Samantha, that mobile brings a grave danger to humans, says that the studies are performed to tell a lie that is only the campaigns carried out by mobile phone companies to retain customers, and said that he had read Egyptian study interesting "as he put it," says There are various kinds of mobile phone causing the damage and do not cause the other.
He added that the study classified more types of phones secure a Alcatel, Motorola 130, Nokia, Panasonic, Siemens, and the most serious is Bush GSM, and Ascom, and Ericsson LX 588, and Mitsubishi MTV .30, and Motorola "in 66" and Philips Genie 900, and Samsung that 100, and Sony.
Wondered Badawi joked: "It is a portable LES damage and laptop what Yehosh .. What do you, two of workers, on the same network, and releases them the same electromagnetic radiation harmful?!, Even if it is true sure filling is harmful in the long term at least," and said that Promotion of such studies in the first place.
On the other hand, there are some people do not recognize the dangers of mobile phone, relying on a study conducted at the Norway University of Science and Technology, which confirmed that the effects of mobile phones on the brains of humans are only illusions, false, and that exposure to radio waves of mobile phones does not cause head pain or increase in pressure blood, and the cause of people who experience such symptoms is that they expect it will occur.
, Citing also to an investigation by the Danish Institute for the cancer epidemic, focused on users of mobile phones in Denmark for a long time, where he confirmed that these devices do not have any effect on the risk of cancer, where the development of more of 421 thousand mobile phone users for more than 21 years, and found that These people have the same opportunity for cancer like the rest of the country's population, was conducted the same research scientists from Britain and Norway and reached the same results, but they increased by damage to cell phones could appear on the owners, but in the long run.
Says Mona Mohammed Mahdi Bachelor of Commerce: I personally do not believe in the studies on the dangers of mobile phone, they eventually reach a dead end, and most of the results of a default and no more, I have not heard one day that a people had been injured seriously ill or died, for example, because to keep dogs for laptop .
She added, "We put the network strengthening of a mobile operator in Egypt the top of our house, since more than four years, did not happen to us any damage, the evidence that I am speaking with you now, has asked mobile company is already on the dangers of such networks on health, Badrona saying that the studies conducted on this subject is merely an illusion, and they told us that if we have already proved that these networks bring damages of any kind will do to disarm these networks immediately and without hesitation. "
On the other hand, we find that some people recognize the seriousness of the mobile, but they are forced to drive for many reasons, including Hassan Afifi officer in one of the tourism companies, which we took the initiative by saying, "I personally can not be sacked for a mobile in any way, because my work all depend upon it, it is the link between me and the company, customers, and I admit its dangers and its effects on the body, but at the same time can not be dismissed by, the gown Bicoloa "distressed riding hard."
Cons Ahmed Hamdi's stores to sell mobile phone, that his clients continues to grow, and point of view they are not influenced by the results of the studies that warn of the danger of mobile phone, because the Egyptian people by nature like "The View" and innovation constantly, he does not care that this affect or not affect, it is important that Mobile carrying-the-art Hebron.
Resolve the dispute
And contradictory views about this, it was necessary for us to settle the dispute ... The question, Dr. Ahmed Abdel-Moneim Gaber consultant brain, nerves, teacher, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, on the feasibility studies on the dangers of mobile phone, he pointed out that there are many studies on the effects of mobile negative effects on body functions, especially the brain, and confirmed that she did not come from a vacuum, where that the radiation emitted from mobile device to speed up lead response time of the brain, which leads to stress and anxiety continued.
He advised Dr. Abdel Moneim not to leave mobile phones in bedrooms, because they affect the human sleep, which affects the long term on the immune system, which plays a major role in preventing the diversion of some normal cells into cancerous cells, an increase of 5% to 9.5 %.
And about the dangers of mobile phones on children, Dr. Ashraf Fawzi, a member of the European Society of Pediatrics, the children's use of a portable even for a few minutes lead to impaired function of their bodies for about an hour.
On the other hand, Dr. Abdul Salam al-Zawahiri consultant dermatologists and infertility that, despite the fact that studies have not yet been proved laptop on the effects of the internal organs of the body such as kidneys and genitals, but they all confirm the existence of a proportion of the damage.
He stressed that contrary to popular belief, the headphones do not reduce those risks, and if there was a solution would be to use a condom inside the device, a metal bracket attached to the phone to help absorb the electromagnetic energy, and thus their effects on the brain.
Jillur Rahman

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