
Sony Ericsson K600 disadvantages

By Moonlight الثلاثاء، 26 أبريل 2011

Sony Ericsson K600 review

We have tested the Sony Ericsson K600 with 3G support. It's similar to the excellent K750 in many things. The camera is worse, but it has two instead. Want to step into 3G? We have a proposition for you.

Key features

  • UMTS support
  • Two cameras, video call
  • Quality display
  • Built-in radio with RDS
  • 1.3 MP camera with light diode
  • Quality MP3 ringtones

Main disadvantages

  • No memory card slot
  • Very sunk keypad buttons
  • No "switch off animation" option in the menu

There is a group of people, who will want to be prepared for the 3rd generation network upon any terms. Nowadays, there are few phones for these people, which get along with 3G. Another good offer is the new Sony Ericsson, called K600.
It stands next to the K750/W800 models in the company profile and has in fact very similar feature set. The K600 only has a poorer camera. It is almost a megapixel less; the second video call camera, mounted on the front side, partially compensates for the lower resolution.

Indistinguishable from metal

The classic body construction has proportions of 104 × 45 × 19 millimeters. A little bit less fatness would suit better to such a small phone. The weight of 105 grams puts it amongst the phones with medium size. This is exactly the right choice for those who need to know that they have something in their hands, but at the same time don't want their shirt pockets deformed.
The colorful design is silver with black elements and lines on the sides. They optically lighten the phone fatness. From the reaction of those, who have seen the K600 live till now, we can judge, that the design of the newie is successful. It is an interesting combination of the retro style of the hi-fi devices from the 90's and supertemporal urban interpretation.
Those, who will only look at Sony Ericsson K600 and don't take it in hands, can only guess that the silver chassis is apparently plastic. The illusion of metal is perfect at first sight.

From all sides

There are two buttons on the right side. Dependent on the menu, they function as a volume controller, camera zoom, and display illumination in inactive mode; also show phone information when in active mode. Below is the camera shutter release button.
Beneath are the charger and handsfree connectors. Why did Sony Ericsson come back to the authentic connector type, when the newie is equipped with the new Fast-Port connector? The microphone is mounted above the slots; the eyelet for a strip - in the center.
Above is the main switch button - a classic feature of Sony Ericsson and Nokia. Next to it, under the cover is the infrared port, along is the status LED. After a long time, from the time of the old fellow T68i, LED is back again, informing, for example about the new messages. However, it's not really good. It is weak and - try to look around you - who of your friends places its phone with the upper side facing him?
There is a rubber cover on the left side; below is a place for connector, equipped with USB cable. Here are also two locks, which hold the back cover in its place. The opening mechanism is solved in a clever way and contributes to the excellent solidity of the phone. You will get to know the whole system from the pictures. You'll find a 900 mAh battery under the cover. The indicated battery life reaches 370 hours stand-by and 500 minutes talk time.

Pity that they aren't upwards

I mean the buttons. The construction side of the keypad is high quality, the ergonomics, however, doesn't impress much. I am not talking about the keypad layout, we have used to the location of the buttons from this brand - they are well placed. Only the buttons are sunk in such a way, so if you go over it with paper edge it won't hitch. That's why it's no easy and comfortable to push them and customers with fat fingers will have problems while writing.
The main operating button is a five way joystick, which has exactly the advantage, which the buttons lack. Its upper edge is high enough and is not shaky. It is very precise and for the whole time when using K600 I have "misfired" only few times.
The keypad illumination is rich blue. It doesn't single out the button forms, but directly the characters and numbers. The light however is not strong enough, so in the darkness it is not easy to see the keys' location.

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Jillur Rahman

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هناك تعليق واحد to ''Sony Ericsson K600 disadvantages"

  1. he light however is not strong enough, so in the darkness it is not easy to see the keys' location.
